Bully Kutta dog history, breed information, description, personality, teaching, common diseases, and care.

8 min readJun 4, 2021


HomeBully-Kutta-dog-breed Bully Kutta dog history, breed information, description, personality, teaching, common diseases, and care.


history Bully Kutta is an Associate in Nursing Indian dog breed, one among the four strongest dogs in the world, that is additionally common in Asian countries. These, we can say, legendary animals that existed many years past, moreover, it’s believed that they’re nighest to the common (with several different breeds), relative — Associate in the Nursing ancient Molossian dog.

Because of many similarities, many believe that the bully was crossed with the Sindh and the most breed of Alaunt. The very name of the breed comes from the word “bochli” which is translated from Punjabi (one of Hindi dialects, also derived from Sanskrit) means — “very wrinkled.” Of course, this is due to the specifics of the skin around the neck, as in this place it is collected in the folds. Most likely, such a distinctive feature appeared in the process of evolution, as a protective measure against the bites of opponents. The word “Kutta,” in turn, means “dog.”

In addition, types of bully kutta, there are other names of this breed, and there are quite a lot of them:

  • Indian Alangu Mastiff;
  • Kutt’s bully;
  • Alangu Mastiff;
  • Indian Mastiff;
  • Indian Alangu Mastiff;
  • Sind or Sindhi Mastiff;
  • Pakistani bully;
  • South Asian Mastiff;
  • Talla Bulli;
  • Desi Bulli;
  • Bongani bullies;
  • Pakistani Mastiff.

Traditionally, these animals performed several functions at once, being quite universal dogs, having great power and power. Their innate qualities have evolved over the centuries by humans, making dogs perfectly adapted for protection, protection, and hunting.

Hunters used a bully kutta when they went to a big game, such as a bear, a tiger, a water buffalo, a cheetah, and even a lion. Moreover, they were sure that the dog will not be afraid, and will not retreat before the enemy who significantly exceeds it in size and strength. In addition, since ancient times this breed is used as fighting dogs, in dog fights. Even in modern India and Pakistan, such fights are not uncommon, although they are now conducted in secret, clandestinely. In 2018, Indian police arrested one of the organizers of such fights, which is actually an isolated case, although fighting is held everywhere.

Indian bully club recognizes not all dogs of this breed, as many Indian and Pakistani breeders cross their dogs with other breeds in order to adapt them as best as possible for clandestine dog fights. The official criteria and standards are quite strict.

Characteristics of the breed

popularity 01/10

training 07/10

size 10/10

mind 08/10

protection 08/10

Relationships with children 06/10

Dexterity 04/10

Breed information

The bully Kutta dog has a large size, mighty, athletic physique, and developed musculature. The neck is powerful, with folds of skin, the head is streamlined, the ears are small, usually cupped. The chest is wide, the limbs are long, muscular. The hair is short. The colors can be white, tiger, brown and black.

The bully Kutta dog is a strong animal in every sense. In terms of character, including. Let’s say at once if you have a character soft, timid, or you feel a subconscious fear of a big dog, and can not dominate it, in any case, this breed does not start. It is simply dangerous, and not only for you but also for other dogs with whom your pet can cling on the street, as well as for other people. After all, if he does not recognize your authority, will not see in you a leader and the highest mind, which must be unconditionally obeyed, you simply will not hold this animal. Especially given the huge size and weight of the dog — an adult can weigh up to 90 kg.

They have a rather stubborn and wayward character, they need a firm hand and skillful leadership, which imposes on the owner a certain responsibility. However, if you have managed to achieve the goal, the dog will be eternally devoted to you, without hesitation will give your life, and will be the most faithful and loving friend in the world.

Dog bully kutta is very smart, she perfectly understands the person, his words, and emotional state, and, as a hereditary hunter, perfectly feels fear. It’s about the fear of big dogs — the bully tends to dominate, and if she’s afraid, she understands it and uses it.

In addition, the breed has a fairly high level of aggression, which is why in crowded places or in the presence of other dogs with which conflict can come out, necessarily requires a muzzle. You need to always be alert if you’re outside. Given the size of the dog, the ideal place to maintain is a private house with its own yard, where the animal can spend most of the time outdoors and guard the area. With this bully kutta copes perfectly for hundreds of years of its history, guaranteeing his family the safety and safety of property, and the intruders — severe injuries and injuries. It’s at best. Because in a similar situation, bully first attacks, without unnecessary prefaces, and everything else (including the police and ambulance) — then.

Strangers can perceive neutrally, so to speak — intelligently, and without unreasonable aggression, but with the right education. Socialization, obedience training, behavior control — things are badly needed.

The breed has a high level of energy, and a large muscle mass, which must be maintained. At least an hour a day you should pay for physical activity to your dog if you are unable to live in a private home. But, even if there is such an opportunity, in any case, you should try to spend more time with your pet, and in the process of active games and training be sure to use elements of training. Children bully perceives normally, but just in case alone with a small child such a large dog is better not to leave.

Try to have different toys, as bully Kutta likes to nibble. By the way, with a lack of activity and walking, the dog will gain weight, and his character will be destructive — imagine what he will turn your apartment, besides, given his tendency to nibble and chew objects.


The strong-willed character of a real fighter is a bully Kutta. The breed is not suitable for insecure people and needs persistent education. Despite their combat temper, the Bulls are very smart and with skillful leadership, they can become the perfect companion, friend, and protector. They can be taught a lot of different commands, but, most importantly — it’s still basic commands and their unquestioning execution. Which is actually not so easy to achieve. A huge role is played by the position of the owner, and the position of the dog in the family, that is, you need to literally from the first days to introduce in the house certain rules that must be strictly implemented. All family members, no exceptions.

First, the puppy should sleep separately, in any case, should not sleep with him in the same bed otherwise the dog may have a false impression of equality with its owners, which should be avoided by all means. You can’t feed a dog off a table, it’s forbidden. Moreover, it is highly desirable to train the pet to eat after the owners have eaten if you live in the apartment and the dog’s diet correlates with your lunch or dinner.

If you want to give a tasty — command to sit or lie down, and only after the team pampers the dog tasty. If the dog is guilty or misbehaved in training when coming home do not feed it lunch — the animals feel the time, and if you delay the moment of eating for an hour, it will only entrench your position of leader. But it can be done only in edification, as an element of education.

In the process of training, try to avoid beatings and rudeness, to be patient, to be consistent, positive, strict — but wise owner, who primarily loves his pet. Also, the case will help full pockets of goodies.


The breed has a short coat, which should be combed once a week. They shed moderately. The claws are trimmed three times a month, the eyes are cleaned daily, the ears — three times a week. You need to bathe the dog at least once a week.

Common diseases

Bully Kutt dogs are prone to various diseases, including:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • itchy skin caused by allergies
  • Scabies;
  • pyoderma and other bacterial skin infections;
  • loss of skin pigmentation, known as vitiligo;
  • Blindness
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • Noises in the heart;
  • Valve problems
  • enlarged heart.

Originally published at https://petdogi.blogspot.com.

